Resources for Relaxing the Body & Inspiring/Centering the Mind
Stress! It's hard to avoid it, but it is possible to relieve it. Sometimes just a few minutes can help you make the shift toward some much needed relaxation. There are many ways to access a more relaxed state. Below you will find a variety of recordings that focus on calming our senses and relaxing/inspiring our minds and spirit. I hope you enjoy the selections.
The Forest Awakens:
Guided Imagery for Stress Relief
In our daily lives, we often rush from meeting to meeting,
appointment to appointment, class to class, with little opportunity to
catch our breath! I encourage you to Take 5... In 5
minutes, you can experience a northern Minnesota forest as spring
arrives. The snow and ice have thawed and the stream begins to flow. [Center for Spirituality & Healing, University of Minnesota]
Guided Meditation: Loving Kindness
The practice helps us to actively cultivate positive emotional states towards ourselves and others, so that we cultivate patience, kindness, acceptance, and compassion toward everyone, including ourselves.
Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation
This is an introduction to mindfulness meditation given by a teacher that is known for his work in creating a mindfulness based stress reduction program (MBSR). This technique involves learning moment-to-moment awareness and can be helpful for coping with stress, pain, and illness. Experience this one when you have a chunk of time and want to engage your mind in some learning and practice.
Escape to the Beach...
Click here to take a relaxing journey to the seaside.
Be sure to turn up your speakers first! :)

Meditation for Sleep.mp3

Body Scan - help for panic and anxiety.mp3
Inspiring Video on How to Be Alone
If you find it stressful or upsetting to be alone, here's a beautiful little bit of food-for-thought.
Guided Meditation:
This is a meditation by a spiritual teacher named Gangaji. In this video she instructs on how to experience yourself as pure awareness. The video challenges us to see who we are when our mental constructs fall away. This idea can be new for many of us as we are often lost in our thoughts about our lives, as opposed to just being present to the energy that we are.
Inspiring Video on the Value of Being Vulnerable
Dr. Bene Brown is a professor at the University of Houston, Graduate College of Social Work, where she has spent the past ten years studying a concept she calls Wholeheartedness. She poses the questions: How do we engage in our lives from a place of authenticity and worthiness? How do we cultivate the courage, compassion, and connection that we need to embrace our imperfections and to recognize that we are enough -- that we are worthy of love, belonging, and joy?
Inspiring Video on Daring to Moving Past Our Comfort Zone to Connect with Others

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
Click here to learn a stress relieving tapping procedure called Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). This is a powerful tool that can not only relieve stress, but is helpful for managing, and in many cases, eliminating both mental and emotional pain. For more information on this, you may go directly to the Tapping Solution Website. This is a 10-minute audio clip.
[Recording provided by The Tapping Solution; created by Jessica Ortner]
5 Minute Daily Routine for Health and Wellbeing Donna Eden is a pioneer in the field of energy medicine. In this video she teaches some basic energy medicine exercises that help to build positive habits into your energy field. Use this video if your feeling run down physically, mentally, or emotionally, or if you'd just like to keep your energies humming.