— Coaching —
"I just wanted to tell you that I think I accomplished more in one coaching session with you than in the past six months of therapy. I was skeptical about working together by telephone, but it actually made it easier for me to move past my usual digressions and get down to business. Your focused questions, clarity and enthusiasm enabled me to get to right to the heart of what I want in my creative life and in my work, and to recognize where I’ve been getting stuck. I was amazed that you got me to put together a specific and workable action plan before the end of our first phone call – my usual excuses simply moved aside in the face of that momentum.
It was also a huge relief when you acknowledged that my own resistance and doubts would inevitably rise up each time I took a step forward. Planning for that and knowing that it’s to be expected – instead of being surprised and feeling defeated by it – seems so obvious and wise. Why didn’t I think of that before?
I feel like someone is finally showing me the map out of the labyrinth of indecision that I’ve been wandering in for much too long. Your optimism and compassion are contagious, and I’ve already begun to think differently about what’s possible. Thank you."
— S.A.
"My first coaching session with Jill was surprisingly intense and powerful. I came away from it with a bird's-eye view of my life, and a very clear sense of direction."
— K.M.
"I felt like I've been running in circles until now."
— M.B.
"Jill Rubin is a great coach. She's helping me with an area of my life that has felt stuck for years. I thought I'd give the coaching a try but I really didn't expect the huge, sudden effect it's had on my life. I've started making some much-needed changes and am feeling excited rather than stagnated and stressed. What a turn-around. I'd definitely recommend her."
— C.M.
"Honestly, the very first day we met I remember thinking this thought: She is so easy to talk with! And the second thought was: she asks just the right questions!"
— L.B.M.
"I've been stuck on this same issue for longer than I can remember. [Struggle with how to balance work and family life-feeling like there's never enough time] You're the first person who's helped me have any movement on it. I really didn't think I'd learn anything from this. I'm a believer -- awesome."
— B.G.
"I'm really surprised how quick this process was. I started out in a big jumble about my business plans. Now I've got homework to do, and am already moving along towards goals I wasn't even clear on before I started. Wow, this is good."
— C.S.
"I came to coaching because I wanted to figure out how to move past the blocks I have toward building a home for myself. What I really like about the coaching is that it opened up my mind to look at things from a totally new perspective. I realized I hadn't moved forward because of the way I've been looking at my situation. I was totally stuck. I can honestly say I feel freed up now. It was so helpful that Jill had a confident energy and was somehow able to pick up on things that were out of my awareness. I found her to be really insightful and her sense of humor really put me at ease.
— S.C.
"OK, so I'm a self admitted rambler. Jill was able to pull me back and refocus me down a much more productive path. I was surprised how much we accomplished in one 40 minute session." [Issue involving conflict with a divorce]
— M.W.
"I tried coaching because I had tried therapy and didn't feel like I got anywhere. I was depressed. My last child left for college out of the state. I just had this empty pit kind of feeling. I wasn't sure what my life was about anymore. I met with Jill and she had me do some exercises that helped me to take a look at all the different areas of my life. I was surprised at how much of myself I had neglected. I left my first session feeling intrigued and consciously and finally feel like I'm aware that I'm here for a purpose that is bigger than my role of mother."
— D.E.

Jill Rubin, LCSW
Relationship Coach
Helping you live the life you desire, through relationship coaching and psychotherapy.
Book a free consultation
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"My first coaching session with Jill was surprisingly intense and powerful. I came away from it with a bird's-eye view of my life, and a very clear sense of direction."
— K.M.
I feel like someone is finally showing me the map out of the labyrinth
of indecision that I’ve been wandering in for much too long. Your
optimism and compassion are contagious, and I’ve already begun to think
differently about what’s possible. Thank you."
— S.A.
"I felt like I've been running in circles until now."
— M.B.
"Jill Rubin is a great coach. She's helping me with an area of my life that has felt stuck for years. I thought I'd give the coaching a try but I really didn't expect the huge, sudden effect it's had on my life. I've started making some much-needed changes and am feeling so much better (excited rather than stagnated and stressed). What a turn-around. I'd definitely recommend her."
— C.M.
"Honestly, the very first day we met I remember thinking this thought: She is so easy to talk with! And the second thought was: she asks just the right questions!"
— L.B.M.
"I've been stuck on this same issue for longer than I can remember. You're the first person who's helped me have any movement on it. I really didn't think I'd learn anything from this. I'm a believer -- awesome."
— B.G.